Complete Speech

Proper speech is a habit which is developed through accurate and consistent practice. When students can see what they need to do to make a sound correctly and can monitor whether they said it correctly or not, they can spend their time practicing it and developing those habits, not guessing how to say it or whether they said it right. Our technologies allow students to practice accurately with their clinician, then take the technology home and practice without losing any accuracy. CompleteSpeech has the only tools that allow students to practice perfectly at home in a measurable way.

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Carla Brown
Interactive Metronome

Interactive Metronome® (IM) is an evidence-based assessment and training tool that measures & improves Neurotiming, or the synchronization of neural impulses within key brain networks for cognitive, communicative, sensory & motor performance. As the individual activates a trigger in time with a steady auditory beat, IM technology provides real-time auditory and visual feedback for millisecond timing. Knowing whether he is hitting before, after, or exactly in sync with the beat to the millisecond allows the individual to make immediate, online corrections to improve timing & rhythm over the course of training.

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The SmartPalate does what no other tool can. This bio-feedback technology creates a digital visualization of how your tongue functions during speech. Gain a clear understanding of what changes need to be made to build and perfect lasting speech habits.

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Carla Brown